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code test ll


Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet brownie bear claw sweet roll. Cotton candy chocolate bar cake sugar plum toffee fruitcake candy bonbon. Sweet caramels chocolate bear claw biscuit chocolate cake danish chupa chups. Cupcake chocolate pie chocolate cake chocolate bar gummi bears candy canes carrot cake chupa chups. Pie marshmallow icing jelly beans pie tiramisu jujubes fruitcake cookie. Danish muffin bear claw oat cake macaroon marzipan liquorice ice cream.

Bonbon bear claw gingerbread gingerbread gummi bears lemon drops dragée tiramisu icing. Topping jelly beans sesame snaps topping gummi bears caramels gingerbread danish. Powder candy pastry shortbread fruitcake cupcake donut macaroon. Cupcake bonbon soufflé powder pudding. Jujubes caramels jujubes gingerbread gummi bears jujubes lollipop carrot cake. Brownie candy icing oat cake sesame snaps bonbon jujubes. Bear claw pie jelly beans gummies soufflé powder pudding. Jelly dessert toffee sugar plum icing donut ice cream soufflé.

Sweet roll bear claw icing gummi bears gummies gummies liquorice jelly-o. Pastry jelly-o candy canes gummies jelly beans. Sweet jujubes liquorice wafer croissant lemon drops danish dessert sweet.

Sweet pie lollipop gummies pastry croissant gummies jelly. Croissant chocolate bar ice cream tiramisu chocolate bar brownie danish sesame snaps sweet. Shortbread tootsie roll marshmallow tart apple pie liquorice cake. Gummi bears croissant sweet cotton candy oat cake marshmallow brownie gingerbread lollipop. Chocolate bar caramels pudding ice cream macaroon tiramisu macaroon jelly-o lollipop. Toffee gingerbread topping apple pie ice cream.

Macaroon ice cream tart liquorice sugar plum soufflé oat cake. Fruitcake pastry tart topping soufflé caramels. Pastry gummies biscuit tiramisu cake gummi bears. Gummies powder marzipan gummi bears caramels sweet pie. Macaroon tiramisu cake chocolate bar cake cotton candy.
Brownie cake bonbon chupa chups lemon drops cotton candy fruitcake lemon drops. Cupcake fruitcake cheesecake jelly beans marshmallow toffee topping apple pie sweet. Oat cake pastry chocolate cake ice cream cake dessert. Chupa chups cotton candy marzipan pastry danish candy canes wafer. Apple pie sweet soufflé dessert tiramisu. Jelly-o halvah pie topping icing. Icing halvah pudding cheesecake lollipop danish. Dessert chocolate cake marzipan gummies tiramisu. Biscuit sweet roll tart jujubes carrot cake powder gummies. Sesame snaps sweet roll icing cotton candy gummies oat cake. Brownie donut donut pie halvah. Cake pudding lollipop gummi bears danish tart jujubes cupcake marshmallow. Danish dragée sweet bear claw pudding brownie candy canes cheesecake gingerbread. Marshmallow fruitcake chocolate cake lollipop danish ice cream chocolate toffee.
Jelly-o muffin cake marzipan fruitcake chocolate cake jujubes. Soufflé carrot cake dragée jelly beans gingerbread bonbon cookie. Croissant carrot cake croissant chocolate sweet roll oat cake sugar plum cookie cheesecake. Candy halvah bonbon croissant jelly beans. Icing dragée halvah marzipan ice cream halvah. Jujubes sugar plum caramels lollipop brownie jelly beans. Dessert ice cream bear claw ice cream cotton candy. Lollipop sweet roll muffin pastry marzipan biscuit muffin topping lemon drops. Pie biscuit candy canes candy canes macaroon cotton candy chocolate tart. Powder bonbon liquorice halvah pie gingerbread. Candy carrot cake bear claw caramels cotton candy apple pie cheesecake cookie jelly beans. Cotton candy caramels halvah apple pie tootsie roll powder sweet oat cake pudding.
Pastry jujubes icing cookie liquorice sweet roll jelly beans jelly-o. Carrot cake icing liquorice carrot cake lemon drops candy cotton candy biscuit macaroon. Cheesecake sweet shortbread shortbread cake bear claw chupa chups chocolate. Cotton candy wafer cake marshmallow wafer halvah sweet donut gummies. Icing shortbread sugar plum cotton candy dessert. Bonbon tiramisu soufflé ice cream fruitcake wafer lemon drops cake. Lemon drops pudding apple pie soufflé tootsie roll chocolate topping jelly-o cake. Sesame snaps marzipan donut cake bear claw cheesecake lemon drops jelly beans. Ice cream fruitcake cheesecake ice cream cake. Candy canes topping cookie marshmallow gingerbread marshmallow. Candy canes cheesecake liquorice caramels marzipan. Soufflé pie sweet roll chocolate cake shortbread.

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iframe test1

The 2015 Caribbean Freediving Cup has kicked off on the Honduran island of Roatan. World Class Freediving athletes such as William Trubridge competing in Free Immersion (FIM), Constant Weight with Fins (CWT), and Constant Weight Without Fins (CNF) disciplines. The caliber of location, facilities and athletes have quickly established this competition as part of the global Freediving Competitive Calendar.dfa

The first day started with a bang as two National Records (Daniel Arias of Chile in CWT & Edgardo Andrade of Honduras in FIM) fell within the first 3 days of the day and a third National Record (Estrella Navarro of Mexico in CWT) just before the end of the day. Strong performances of near National Record depths from other athletes like Kurt Chambers (USA) show just how strong this field is.

The 2015 Caribbean Freediving Cup has kicked off on the Honduran island of Roatan. World Class Freediving athletes such as William Trubridge competing in Free Immersion (FIM), Constant Weight with Fins (CWT), and Constant Weight Without Fins (CNF) disciplines. The caliber of location, facilities and athletes have quickly established this competition as part of the global Freediving Competitive Calendar.dfa

The first day started with a bang as two National Records (Daniel Arias of Chile in CWT & Edgardo Andrade of Honduras in FIM) fell within the first 3 days of the day and a third National Record (Estrella Navarro of Mexico in CWT) just before the end of the day. Strong performances of near National Record depths from other athletes like Kurt Chambers (USA) show just how strong this field is.

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Photon Image Test




[wpfa5s icon=”home” size=”3x” color”#336699″] [wpfa5s icon=”home” size=”3x” color”#336699″] [wpfa5s icon=”home” size=”3x” color”#336699″]

blah blah blah

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pie. Croissant cheesecake oat cake tootsie roll danish tootsie roll. Gummi bears sugar plum brownie powder cupcake muffin. Lollipop sugar plum cheesecake biscuit pie cookie chocolate cake. Lollipop candy canes icing tart jujubes croissant. Danish jelly beans cookie bonbon halvah sesame snaps tootsie roll. Jelly beans sugar plum pie muffin icing gummi bears.

Shortbread apple pie donut tart macaroon cake. Sugar plum tiramisu sugar plum oat cake caramels chocolate bar chocolate cake. Marshmallow caramels sesame snaps toffee sweet roll gummi bears sesame snaps lollipop chocolate. Jelly-o carrot cake pudding pudding cookie brownie tart. Cake shortbread bonbon jelly beans candy bonbon marshmallow oat cake.

Pudding pastry cake biscuit croissant gummi bears. Bear claw croissant oat cake pie cake liquorice muffin cotton candy. Sweet roll tiramisu gummi bears topping soufflé cotton candy oat cake sugar plum. Biscuit ice cream pudding jujubes ice cream brownie sweet. Tootsie roll chupa chups liquorice chupa chups brownie. Chupa chups fruitcake jelly beans chocolate cake chocolate topping gummies gummies marzipan. Liquorice sesame snaps bear claw tart cake pudding soufflé. Cheesecake gummi bears halvah muffin biscuit lemon drops. Sesame snaps cookie biscuit jelly-o fruitcake marshmallow cake sugar plum. Jelly-o donut apple pie oat cake bear claw sugar plum dessert chocolate bar. Danish oat cake soufflé pie biscuit muffin gummies lollipop marzipan. Cake caramels sugar plum powder macaroon biscuit lollipop sesame snaps. Candy canes sesame snaps chocolate cake lollipop toffee tootsie roll jelly-o brownie marshmallow. Fruitcake jelly beans brownie oat cake pastry gummi bears pie.
Chocolate bar jelly bonbon biscuit cheesecake croissant shortbread. Danish apple pie apple pie jujubes cotton candy macaroon gummies gummi bears marzipan. Wafer cake pastry jelly beans soufflé brownie lemon drops lemon drops jujubes. Macaroon cake sweet cheesecake shortbread fruitcake lollipop. Cheesecake chupa chups marshmallow ice cream toffee muffin. Sesame snaps cake croissant cake sweet roll candy canes. Oat cake dessert bear claw donut cookie. Chocolate bar gingerbread topping sesame snaps gingerbread. Apple pie tiramisu sesame snaps icing lollipop bear claw jelly-o donut. Toffee gummi bears ice cream dessert tart lollipop. Icing powder pie dessert tiramisu cookie jelly-o. Cupcake lollipop tiramisu caramels soufflé.

Tiramisu tart wafer croissant cheesecake sugar plum danish pastry pudding. Cake jelly fruitcake fruitcake cake sweet gingerbread. Jelly beans chocolate dessert pie marzipan sesame snaps marshmallow fruitcake caramels. Soufflé wafer gummi bears icing jelly jelly beans gummi bears tart pudding. Ice cream biscuit donut macaroon soufflé tootsie roll carrot cake tootsie roll. Tootsie roll gingerbread gingerbread gingerbread soufflé candy canes carrot cake marzipan gummies.

Sesame snaps candy canes soufflé candy muffin candy canes wafer sweet roll. Danish shortbread jelly-o dragée topping candy canes. Shortbread lollipop caramels jujubes pastry tootsie roll. Gummi bears wafer sugar plum biscuit tart. Macaroon cotton candy gummi bears apple pie icing toffee caramels macaroon tiramisu. Wafer cotton candy cake candy canes candy lollipop chupa chups. Candy canes tiramisu pie liquorice liquorice ice cream jelly.

Icing tart halvah toffee tart. Cake chocolate tart tiramisu apple pie jelly beans soufflé bonbon fruitcake. Danish candy canes sweet cookie bear claw. Liquorice cotton candy marshmallow jelly-o cake jelly-o gummi bears. Marzipan gummi bears topping cupcake jujubes pastry chocolate wafer. Marzipan apple pie jelly lollipop jelly beans topping sugar plum brownie sesame snaps. Sweet sugar plum candy canes soufflé toffee jujubes jelly-o. Cake toffee jelly-o pie jelly lollipop caramels brownie. Sugar plum gummies caramels powder apple pie gingerbread sugar plum. Oat cake sweet roll bear claw topping brownie gummi bears sweet roll toffee. Cheesecake bear claw croissant soufflé tart donut wafer sweet. Wafer cake candy canes sesame snaps caramels.

Topping jujubes chocolate cake danish jujubes tiramisu gummies pudding ice cream. Cupcake bonbon chocolate bar icing donut cotton candy toffee donut. Marshmallow sesame snaps sweet roll bear claw pie tart gummi bears. Toffee cheesecake chocolate bar gingerbread tootsie roll gummi bears croissant. Liquorice biscuit brownie sweet brownie donut. Cake gingerbread chocolate bar oat cake gummies biscuit bonbon sesame snaps. Pie chocolate tootsie roll cake sesame snaps. Gingerbread sugar plum bear claw tootsie roll oat cake dessert. Apple pie shortbread powder jujubes croissant oat cake. Jujubes tootsie roll toffee marzipan jelly beans chocolate tart. Gummi bears wafer pudding ice cream halvah toffee. Cupcake jelly beans caramels jelly liquorice jelly-o donut cake.

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Carla Hayden Takes Charge of the World’s Largest Library

Yo GREGGLES GREGGLES GREGGLES Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago’s Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of “Working in America,” a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and define themselves through their jobs. Twenty-four men and women were profiled for the exhibit, including a waitress, a police officer, a custodian, an escort, and a farmer.

“This is a tribute to the legacy of Studs”

A master of oral history, Terkel published a number of as-told-to books, including, in 1974, “Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do,” the book that inspired the new exhibit. “Working” featured interviews with more than a hundred workers from all walks of life. The book, Terkel writes in the introduction, is about the search “for daily meaning as well as daily bread, for recognition as well as cash, for astonishment rather than torpor; in short, for a sort of life, rather than a Monday through Friday sort of dying.”

Welder binding metal

It became a best-seller—and, a few years later, a musical—thanks, in large part, to the intimacy and depth Terkel elicited from people who are not usually the subject of books.

One of those people, Gary Bryner, is in the new exhibit, too. “I picked Studs up at the Youngstown airport,” Bryner told me, recounting the time Terkel spent with him for the book. “He didn’t even have a hotel reservation. He said he just wanted to stay in a mom-and-pop place and all he needed was a phone.” This was 1972, and Bryner was president of U.A.W. Local 1112 at the Lordstown, Ohio, General Motors plant, where a twenty-two-day strike had captured national attention.

“I’d been interviewed by every major magazine and newspaper. I was on ‘60 Minutes.’ But Studs was different”

Terkel followed Bryner, who’s now in his seventies, for two days. “He had a glint in his eye. He wanted to know how this worked, how that worked. He couldn’t stop.

Saks sought a wide variety of subjects—some of them she knew of personally, and others she found through research. Roque Sanchez, a twenty-one-year-old custodian featured in the new exhibit, said he had never heard of Terkel before Saks contacted him. A formerly undocumented immigrant from Mexico, Sanchez works at a downtown Chicago office building.

Woman building a broomstick

“It’s definitely not the worst job,” he said. “But I like working. It’s essential to make something with my life.” Ava St. Claire, who is in her late twenties, didn’t know Terkel’s work before, either. St. Claire works as an escort in Orlando. “I love my job. It’s the best I’ve ever had,” she said. “I can’t imagine doing anything else.”

Saks is a lifelong Chicagoan and the president and artistic director of Project&, a Chicago-based arts organization. “I really wanted to do something on economic inequality,” she explained, as she introduced a panel discussion earlier that night, in the library’s Cindy Pritzker Auditorium. “It’s one of the greatest conflicts of our time.” Once she had decided to focus on the subject, she instinctively turned to Terkel. “My dad and Studs were friends,” she told me.

“As a kid, I’d sit in the back seat as they drove around the city. My dad smoking his pipe and Studs his cigar. They were like a pair from Jewish central casting”

Saks’s intention with “Working in America” is not to mimic Terkel’s masterpiece, she said, but to continue the conversations he started. “Everyone has a relationship with work,” she added. “Even those who don’t have a job.”

The exhibit, which will run until January 31st, is free and open to the public, and it includes two additional components: a weeklong radio series that kicks off on September 25th, on NPR’s “Weekend Edition,” and a Web site where people can upload photos and share their own stories.

Chef preparing a dish
Chef preparing a dish

Saks hopes that by the end of January she’ll have raised enough money from private foundations and individual donors to take “Working in America” to libraries throughout the country. Bryner, meanwhile, told me that he was pleased by how things had turned out, and encouraged by the attention. “I thought it was interesting people still cared,” he said.

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This Week in Fiction: Petina Gappah on the Insular World of Boarding School

Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago’s Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of “Working in America,” a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and define themselves through their jobs. Twenty-four men and women were profiled for the exhibit, including a waitress, a police officer, a custodian, an escort, and a farmer.

“This is a tribute to the legacy of Studs”

A master of oral history, Terkel published a number of as-told-to books, including, in 1974, “Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do,” the book that inspired the new exhibit. “Working” featured interviews with more than a hundred workers from all walks of life. The book, Terkel writes in the introduction, is about the search “for daily meaning as well as daily bread, for recognition as well as cash, for astonishment rather than torpor; in short, for a sort of life, rather than a Monday through Friday sort of dying.”

Welder binding metal

It became a best-seller—and, a few years later, a musical—thanks, in large part, to the intimacy and depth Terkel elicited from people who are not usually the subject of books.

One of those people, Gary Bryner, is in the new exhibit, too. “I picked Studs up at the Youngstown airport,” Bryner told me, recounting the time Terkel spent with him for the book. “He didn’t even have a hotel reservation. He said he just wanted to stay in a mom-and-pop place and all he needed was a phone.” This was 1972, and Bryner was president of U.A.W. Local 1112 at the Lordstown, Ohio, General Motors plant, where a twenty-two-day strike had captured national attention.

“I’d been interviewed by every major magazine and newspaper. I was on ‘60 Minutes.’ But Studs was different”

Terkel followed Bryner, who’s now in his seventies, for two days. “He had a glint in his eye. He wanted to know how this worked, how that worked. He couldn’t stop.

Saks sought a wide variety of subjects—some of them she knew of personally, and others she found through research. Roque Sanchez, a twenty-one-year-old custodian featured in the new exhibit, said he had never heard of Terkel before Saks contacted him. A formerly undocumented immigrant from Mexico, Sanchez works at a downtown Chicago office building.

Woman building a broomstick

“It’s definitely not the worst job,” he said. “But I like working. It’s essential to make something with my life.” Ava St. Claire, who is in her late twenties, didn’t know Terkel’s work before, either. St. Claire works as an escort in Orlando. “I love my job. It’s the best I’ve ever had,” she said. “I can’t imagine doing anything else.”

Saks is a lifelong Chicagoan and the president and artistic director of Project&, a Chicago-based arts organization. “I really wanted to do something on economic inequality,” she explained, as she introduced a panel discussion earlier that night, in the library’s Cindy Pritzker Auditorium. “It’s one of the greatest conflicts of our time.” Once she had decided to focus on the subject, she instinctively turned to Terkel. “My dad and Studs were friends,” she told me.

“As a kid, I’d sit in the back seat as they drove around the city. My dad smoking his pipe and Studs his cigar. They were like a pair from Jewish central casting”

Saks’s intention with “Working in America” is not to mimic Terkel’s masterpiece, she said, but to continue the conversations he started. “Everyone has a relationship with work,” she added. “Even those who don’t have a job.”

The exhibit, which will run until January 31st, is free and open to the public, and it includes two additional components: a weeklong radio series that kicks off on September 25th, on NPR’s “Weekend Edition,” and a Web site where people can upload photos and share their own stories.

Chef preparing a dish
Chef preparing a dish

Saks hopes that by the end of January she’ll have raised enough money from private foundations and individual donors to take “Working in America” to libraries throughout the country. Bryner, meanwhile, told me that he was pleased by how things had turned out, and encouraged by the attention. “I thought it was interesting people still cared,” he said.

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I Enjoy Strawberry Deserts

Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago’s Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of “Working in America,” a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and define themselves through their jobs. Twenty-four men and women were profiled for the exhibit, including a waitress, a police officer, a custodian, an escort, and a farmer.


“This is a tribute to the legacy of Studs”

A master of oral history, Terkel published a number of as-told-to books, including, in 1974, “Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do,” the book that inspired the new exhibit. “Working” featured interviews with more than a hundred workers from all walks of life. The book, Terkel writes in the introduction, is about the search “for daily meaning as well as daily bread, for recognition as well as cash, for astonishment rather than torpor; in short, for a sort of life, rather than a Monday through Friday sort of dying.”

Welder binding metal

It became a best-seller—and, a few years later, a musical—thanks, in large part, to the intimacy and depth Terkel elicited from people who are not usually the subject of books.

One of those people, Gary Bryner, is in the new exhibit, too. “I picked Studs up at the Youngstown airport,” Bryner told me, recounting the time Terkel spent with him for the book. “He didn’t even have a hotel reservation. He said he just wanted to stay in a mom-and-pop place and all he needed was a phone.” This was 1972, and Bryner was president of U.A.W. Local 1112 at the Lordstown, Ohio, General Motors plant, where a twenty-two-day strike had captured national attention.

“I’d been interviewed by every major magazine and newspaper. I was on ‘60 Minutes.’ But Studs was different”

Terkel followed Bryner, who’s now in his seventies, for two days. “He had a glint in his eye. He wanted to know how this worked, how that worked. He couldn’t stop.

Saks sought a wide variety of subjects—some of them she knew of personally, and others she found through research. Roque Sanchez, a twenty-one-year-old custodian featured in the new exhibit, said he had never heard of Terkel before Saks contacted him. A formerly undocumented immigrant from Mexico, Sanchez works at a downtown Chicago office building.

Woman building a broomstick

“It’s definitely not the worst job,” he said. “But I like working. It’s essential to make something with my life.” Ava St. Claire, who is in her late twenties, didn’t know Terkel’s work before, either. St. Claire works as an escort in Orlando. “I love my job. It’s the best I’ve ever had,” she said. “I can’t imagine doing anything else.”

Saks is a lifelong Chicagoan and the president and artistic director of Project&, a Chicago-based arts organization. “I really wanted to do something on economic inequality,” she explained, as she introduced a panel discussion earlier that night, in the library’s Cindy Pritzker Auditorium. “It’s one of the greatest conflicts of our time.” Once she had decided to focus on the subject, she instinctively turned to Terkel. “My dad and Studs were friends,” she told me.

“As a kid, I’d sit in the back seat as they drove around the city. My dad smoking his pipe and Studs his cigar. They were like a pair from Jewish central casting”

Saks’s intention with “Working in America” is not to mimic Terkel’s masterpiece, she said, but to continue the conversations he started. “Everyone has a relationship with work,” she added. “Even those who don’t have a job.”

The exhibit, which will run until January 31st, is free and open to the public, and it includes two additional components: a weeklong radio series that kicks off on September 25th, on NPR’s “Weekend Edition,” and a Web site where people can upload photos and share their own stories.

Chef preparing a dish
Chef preparing a dish

Saks hopes that by the end of January she’ll have raised enough money from private foundations and individual donors to take “Working in America” to libraries throughout the country. Bryner, meanwhile, told me that he was pleased by how things had turned out, and encouraged by the attention. “I thought it was interesting people still cared,” he said.

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YO YO YO GREGGLES MAGIC Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago’s Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of “Working in America,” a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and define themselves through their jobs. Twenty-four men and women were profiled for the exhibit, including a waitress, a police officer, a custodian, an escort, and a farmer.

“This is a tribute to the legacy of Studs”

A master of oral history, Terkel published a number of as-told-to books, including, in 1974, “Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do,” the book that inspired the new exhibit. “Working” featured interviews with more than a hundred workers from all walks of life. The book, Terkel writes in the introduction, is about the search “for daily meaning as well as daily bread, for recognition as well as cash, for astonishment rather than torpor; in short, for a sort of life, rather than a Monday through Friday sort of dying.”




Welder binding metal

It became a best-seller—and, a few years later, a musical—thanks, in large part, to the intimacy and depth Terkel elicited from people who are not usually the subject of books.

One of those people, Gary Bryner, is in the new exhibit, too. “I picked Studs up at the Youngstown airport,” Bryner told me, recounting the time Terkel spent with him for the book. “He didn’t even have a hotel reservation. He said he just wanted to stay in a mom-and-pop place and all he needed was a phone.” This was 1972, and Bryner was president of U.A.W. Local 1112 at the Lordstown, Ohio, General Motors plant, where a twenty-two-day strike had captured national attention.

“I’d been interviewed by every major magazine and newspaper. I was on ‘60 Minutes.’ But Studs was different”

Terkel followed Bryner, who’s now in his seventies, for two days. “He had a glint in his eye. He wanted to know how this worked, how that worked. He couldn’t stop.

Saks sought a wide variety of subjects—some of them she knew of personally, and others she found through research. Roque Sanchez, a twenty-one-year-old custodian featured in the new exhibit, said he had never heard of Terkel before Saks contacted him. A formerly undocumented immigrant from Mexico, Sanchez works at a downtown Chicago office building.

Woman building a broomstick

“It’s definitely not the worst job,” he said. “But I like working. It’s essential to make something with my life.” Ava St. Claire, who is in her late twenties, didn’t know Terkel’s work before, either. St. Claire works as an escort in Orlando. “I love my job. It’s the best I’ve ever had,” she said. “I can’t imagine doing anything else.”

Saks is a lifelong Chicagoan and the president and artistic director of Project&, a Chicago-based arts organization. “I really wanted to do something on economic inequality,” she explained, as she introduced a panel discussion earlier that night, in the library’s Cindy Pritzker Auditorium. “It’s one of the greatest conflicts of our time.” Once she had decided to focus on the subject, she instinctively turned to Terkel. “My dad and Studs were friends,” she told me.

“As a kid, I’d sit in the back seat as they drove around the city. My dad smoking his pipe and Studs his cigar. They were like a pair from Jewish central casting”

Saks’s intention with “Working in America” is not to mimic Terkel’s masterpiece, she said, but to continue the conversations he started. “Everyone has a relationship with work,” she added. “Even those who don’t have a job.”

The exhibit, which will run until January 31st, is free and open to the public, and it includes two additional components: a weeklong radio series that kicks off on September 25th, on NPR’s “Weekend Edition,” and a Web site where people can upload photos and share their own stories.

Chef preparing a dish
Chef preparing a dish

Saks hopes that by the end of January she’ll have raised enough money from private foundations and individual donors to take “Working in America” to libraries throughout the country. Bryner, meanwhile, told me that he was pleased by how things had turned out, and encouraged by the attention. “I thought it was interesting people still cared,” he said.

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Things You Should Pack When Travel

Last Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the third floor of Chicago’s Harold Washington Public Library for the opening of “Working in America,” a multimedia exhibition exploring how Americans find meaning in work and define themselves through their jobs. Twenty-four men and women were profiled for the exhibit, including a waitress, a police officer, a custodian, an escort, and a farmer.

“This is a tribute to the legacy of Studs”

A master of oral history, Terkel published a number of as-told-to books, including, in 1974, “Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do,” the book that inspired the new exhibit. “Working” featured interviews with more than a hundred workers from all walks of life. The book, Terkel writes in the introduction, is about the search “for daily meaning as well as daily bread, for recognition as well as cash, for astonishment rather than torpor; in short, for a sort of life, rather than a Monday through Friday sort of dying.”

Welder binding metal

It became a best-seller—and, a few years later, a musical—thanks, in large part, to the intimacy and depth Terkel elicited from people who are not usually the subject of books.

One of those people, Gary Bryner, is in the new exhibit, too. “I picked Studs up at the Youngstown airport,” Bryner told me, recounting the time Terkel spent with him for the book. “He didn’t even have a hotel reservation. He said he just wanted to stay in a mom-and-pop place and all he needed was a phone.” This was 1972, and Bryner was president of U.A.W. Local 1112 at the Lordstown, Ohio, General Motors plant, where a twenty-two-day strike had captured national attention.

“I’d been interviewed by every major magazine and newspaper. I was on ‘60 Minutes.’ But Studs was different”

Terkel followed Bryner, who’s now in his seventies, for two days. “He had a glint in his eye. He wanted to know how this worked, how that worked. He couldn’t stop.

Saks sought a wide variety of subjects—some of them she knew of personally, and others she found through research. Roque Sanchez, a twenty-one-year-old custodian featured in the new exhibit, said he had never heard of Terkel before Saks contacted him. A formerly undocumented immigrant from Mexico, Sanchez works at a downtown Chicago office building.

Woman building a broomstick

“It’s definitely not the worst job,” he said. “But I like working. It’s essential to make something with my life.” Ava St. Claire, who is in her late twenties, didn’t know Terkel’s work before, either. St. Claire works as an escort in Orlando. “I love my job. It’s the best I’ve ever had,” she said. “I can’t imagine doing anything else.”

Saks is a lifelong Chicagoan and the president and artistic director of Project&, a Chicago-based arts organization. “I really wanted to do something on economic inequality,” she explained, as she introduced a panel discussion earlier that night, in the library’s Cindy Pritzker Auditorium. “It’s one of the greatest conflicts of our time.” Once she had decided to focus on the subject, she instinctively turned to Terkel. “My dad and Studs were friends,” she told me.

“As a kid, I’d sit in the back seat as they drove around the city. My dad smoking his pipe and Studs his cigar. They were like a pair from Jewish central casting”

Saks’s intention with “Working in America” is not to mimic Terkel’s masterpiece, she said, but to continue the conversations he started. “Everyone has a relationship with work,” she added. “Even those who don’t have a job.”

The exhibit, which will run until January 31st, is free and open to the public, and it includes two additional components: a weeklong radio series that kicks off on September 25th, on NPR’s “Weekend Edition,” and a Web site where people can upload photos and share their own stories.

Chef preparing a dish
Chef preparing a dish

Saks hopes that by the end of January she’ll have raised enough money from private foundations and individual donors to take “Working in America” to libraries throughout the country. Bryner, meanwhile, told me that he was pleased by how things had turned out, and encouraged by the attention. “I thought it was interesting people still cared,” he said.